Risk Disclosure

The Papparico Finance ("Papparico") is a set of smart contracts made available by Papparico Finance (“Papparico Finance”) on a voluntary, “as-is” and “as available” basis. It is not a service of any kind and you should not rely on Papparico Finance to assist you to evaluate the Papparico, assess its fitness for any purpose or comply with any requirements. You assume all risks arising from interactions with the Papparico including without limitation all applicable legal and regulatory risks in connection with the use and interaction with the Papparico, including with respect to any transactions. Nothing stated relating to the Papparico is a prospectus nor a solicitation for investment and does not pertain in any way to an offering of securities in any jurisdiction. Nothing stated related to the Papparico constitutes a recommendation or advice of any kind. Papparico Finance is not liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in contract, tort or under any other theory of liability, arising from, out of or in connection with the Papparico.

Your use of the Papparico Finance involves various risks, including, but not limited to, losses while digital assets are being supplied to the Papparico Finance. Before using the Papparico Finance, you should review the relevant documentation to make sure you understand how the Papparico Finance works.

THE PAPPARICO FINANCE AND SITE ARE PROVIDED ”AS IS”, AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. No developer or entity involved in creating the Papparico Finance will be liable for any claims or damages whatsoever associated with your use, inability to use, or your interaction with other users of, the Papparico Finance, including any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages, or loss of profits, cryptocurrencies, tokens, or anything else of value.

By using the Papparico Finance, you acknowledge and agree that your interaction with the Papparico is at your own risk. You accept full responsibility for any losses, damages or other consequences resulting from your use of the Papparico, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Papparico and any associated developers or entities from any claims, liabilities or expenses arising from your use of the Papparico. A non-exhaustive list sets out some of the applicable risks involved in interacting with the Papparico below.

Digital Assets Risk

There are inherent risks associated with using virtual assets and participating in virtual asset transactions, including, without limitation:

  • Partial or total loss of virtual assets or initial capital;

  • Delisting or collapse in liquidity with respect to certain virtual assets;

  • Regulatory uncertainty and government or legal enforcement action against certain virtual assets or categories of virtual assets or projects involved in digital asset activities, including, without limitation, the prohibition of virtual assets in certain jurisdictions;

  • Extreme volatility with respect to a certain virtual asset or market behaviour, market forces, transaction parameters and value attributed to virtual assets;

  • Delays in or complete failure of virtual asset transactions being confirmed; and

  • Instability, congestion, disruptions, errors, high transaction costs, network latency.

Third Party Risk

There are counterparty risks in using the Papparico Finance.

Papparico may rely on or integrate third-party platforms, services or technologies. Any issues, changes or disruptions to these third-party components could negatively impact the Papparico, performance or user experience. Furthermore, the intellectual property rights surrounding the assets on the website and Papparico may be subject to dispute, infringement or other legal issues that could negatively impact the Papparico or the value of relevant assets.

The success of the Papparico depends on the active participation and engagement of its user community. If the community’s interest or involvement declines, the Papparico's performance and ecosystem may suffer, potentially leading to reduced value and a diminished user experience.

Website Risk

As with any online platform, the Papparico website at https://papparico.finance/ may rely on software or other technologies which may fail or experience issues, and it may be susceptible to hacking, phishing, or other cyber attacks. It is your responsibility as a user to take precautions to secure their accounts and personal information and be vigilant against potential threats.

Smart Contract Risk

As with any blockchain-based services or code, there is a risk that there could be some sort of bug, fault, defect, hack, error, exploit or unforeseen circumstances with respect to the Papparico Finance or smart contracts or technologies that the Papparico depends on. Depending on what the bug, fault, defect, hack, error, or exploit is, a bad actor may be able to take some or all of the funds stored in the Papparico Finance. Possible attacks on the Papparico or the technologies that the Papparico Finance depends on include, without limitation, distributed denial of service, Sybil attacks, phishing, social engineering, hacking, smurfing, malware, double-spending, majority-mining, consensus-based or other mining attacks, misinformation campaigns, forks, and spoofing. Other potential risks include market misconduct by participants on Papparico Finance, including, without limitations, market manipulation, trading on the basis of non-public information, and front-running.

Wallet Loss Risk

This risk doesn’t have anything to do with Papparico but we wanted to mention it. Using Papparico requires you to use a self-custodial wallet that supports Cronos dApps. If you permanently lose access to this wallet, or if your seed phrase or private keys are compromised, this is entirely your responsibility and it is likely that you will not be able to recover your funds. Different wallets have different recovery mechanisms. It’s important for you to know what those are and be able to recover your wallet.

The above list of potential risks is not exhaustive and is not intended to capture the extent of all possible risks. Participants should consider all risks and assess the nature of and their own appetite for the relevant risks independently and consult their advisers before making any decisions in participating in Papparico. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN RISKS.

Last updated