Tournament Details (Part 2)

In this section, we're going to detail more information about tournaments.

  • Game: The game will be used for the current tournament

  • Registered users: Number of current registered users

  • Min registrations: Number of minimum registrations to start the tournament. Few things to clarify about "Min registrations" field:

  1. When this field is not set (it displays N/A), it means there is no minimum number of registered users to start the tournament. The tournament will start normally at the scheduled time, regardless of the number of registrations, except if the number of current registrations is 0 (It's not possible to start a tournament with zero registrations).

  2. When this field is set, the tournament will start at the scheduled time only if the number of registered users is greater than or equal to this field.

  • Max registrations: Number of maximum registrations to start the tournament. Details about this field:

  1. When this field is set and the number of current registered users reaches this value, it means the application will not accept more registrations and the tournament will start at the scheduled time.

  2. When this field is not set (it displays N/A), there is no maximum number of registrations.

  • Registration starts: The time users are able to register for the tournament.

  • Tournament starts: Time the tournament starts. There are 2 rules for this field:

  1. The field is set with the scheduled time, meaning the tournament will start at the schedule time, unless another requirement is not met (e.g. Min registrations).

  2. The field is set with the information "Once it reaches XX registrations", where XX is a number of registered users: It means the tournament will start as soon as the number of registered users reaches XX. In order not to miss the beginning of the tournament, users must pay attention to such cases.

  • Tournament duration: Duration of tournament. See next item: Round duration.

  • Round duration: Users can play as many rounds as they want within the Tournament duration. The score of each round is accumulated and the final score will be the sum of all rounds.

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